2012: SBDC GrowSmart Program


Alicia was commissioned to develop operations management course material for the new entrepreneurial development program offered by the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Georgia State University.  This new program, GrowSmart, replaced the former FastTrac program.  The program was held at Georgia Power’s headquarters in downtown Atlanta.  She worked directly with Bernie Meineke, former program director in providing this information.

This resulted in a presentation accompanied by a worksheet. As author, Alicia eventually converted the presentation into an e-book entitled, Keeping Score: How to Use Business Processes to Increase Cash Flow. It is available for free download.


SBDC GrowSmart is a dynamic program for owners and senior managers of growing businesses.

The program is designed for leaders of companies with:

  • At least two years of successful operation
    Annual revenues of $300,000 or more
    The opportunity and desire to grow

GrowSmart recognizes the need for flexibility and agility in today’s rapidly changing environment. Using a one-page strategy map designed specially for this program, participants identify their company’s goals and the strategies to achieve them.

Source: https://sbdc.robinson.gsu.edu/sbdc-growsmart/

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