2022: Better Business, Better Life!

EXPERT SPOTLIGHT: Is your business ready for the EOS spotlight? with Alicia Butler Pierre



” Alicia Butler Pierre is the owner & CEO of Equilibria Inc, an operations management firm that specialises in diagnosing, and designing business infrastructure & processes.

With a background in chemical engineering, Alicia started off her career in steel-toed boots at oil refineries & chemical plants. When working as an engineer, she realised how little she understood about business – and just how necessary this understanding was. So she went back to school, completed an MBA & it opened her eyes to a completely new world.

In the months of job-searching following her MBA, she was regularly reading articles, books & absorbing information through documentaries (one of her top tips!). What really resonated with her was the concept of individuals all possessing natural skills, talents & abilities. And that through a process of miseducation, we’re taught to actually work for someone else, to become a good employee.

But we aren’t taught on how to capitalise on our natural skills, talents & abilities so that we can CREATE opportunities for ourselves.

She thought deeply about what she was naturally good at – organising, and after research & many networking events, she worked as a Professional Organiser, with home-based entrepreneurs being her primary clientele. And it wasn’t that they were chronically disorganised people – they just needed systems or processes in place to keep things working & information flowing as seamlessly as possible.

So Alicia started to shift her language and promotional pieces from professional organising to business infrastructure.

“It’s my customers who tell me exactly what they want. It’s my job as the business owner to listen, and to act accordingly. And that is the story in a nutshell of how Equilibria came to be, how this thing called business infrastructure came into existence.”

Now Equilibria has been running for about 17 years & she never imagined it would evolve into what it is today. Hear about her journey & the key insights she has learnt along the way.”



Source: https://www.betterbusinessbetterlife.co.nz/expert-spotlight-is-your-business-ready-for-the-eos-spotlight-with-alicia-butler-pierre-episode-52-of-better-business-better-life/


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